Nursing Tips

Alendronate is a bisphosphonate used to treat osteoporosis. Key side effect is esophagitis. HINT: "Alen drones on and on about his esophagitis."


Cathy Parkes

Alendronate is a bisphosphonate used to treat osteoporosis. Key side effect is esophagitis. HINT: "Alen drones on and on about his esophagitis."


Cathy Parkes

Alendronate is a bisphosphonate used to treat osteoporosis. Key side effect is esophagitis. HINT: "Alen drones on and on about his esophagitis."

Key S&S of bulemia nervosa: normal (or slightly higher) body weight, calluses on knuckles, parotid gland enlargement, tooth erosion.

Bulimia Nervosa

Cathy Parkes

Key S&S of bulimia nervosa: normal (or slightly higher) body weight, calluses on knuckles, parotid gland enlargement, tooth erosion.

Bulimia Nervosa

Cathy Parkes

Key S&S of bulimia nervosa: normal (or slightly higher) body weight, calluses on knuckles, parotid gland enlargement, tooth erosion.

Iron supplements can cause dark green/black stools. This is expected and harmless.

Iron supplements and stool

Cathy Parkes

Iron supplements can cause dark green/black stools. This is expected and harmless.

Iron supplements and stool

Cathy Parkes

Iron supplements can cause dark green/black stools. This is expected and harmless.

2 key beliefs of preschoolers:  (1) Magical thinking: Thoughts can cause events to occur. (2) Animism: Inanimate objects are alive.

Key Beliefs of Preschoolers

Cathy Parkes

2 Key beliefs of preschoolers: (1) Magical thinking: thoughts can cause events to occur, and (2) Animism: inanimate objects are alive.

Key Beliefs of Preschoolers

Cathy Parkes

2 Key beliefs of preschoolers: (1) Magical thinking: thoughts can cause events to occur, and (2) Animism: inanimate objects are alive.

POSITIVE symptoms in schizophrenia include the presence of things that are NOT normally present. This includes:  Hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, speech alterations, abnormal body movements

Positive Schizophrenia Symptoms

Cathy Parkes

POSITIVE symptoms in schizophrenia include the presence of things that are NOT normally present.

Positive Schizophrenia Symptoms

Cathy Parkes

POSITIVE symptoms in schizophrenia include the presence of things that are NOT normally present.

Donepezil is a KEY medication used for Alzheimer's disease. It does NOT cure the disease, but it may improve memory, cognition, and an individual’s ability to perform ADLs.

Donepezil & Alzheimer's

Cathy Parkes

Donepezil is a KEY medication used for Alzheimer's disease. It does NOT cure the disease, but it may improve memory, cognition, and an individual’s ability to perform ADLs.

Donepezil & Alzheimer's

Cathy Parkes

Donepezil is a KEY medication used for Alzheimer's disease. It does NOT cure the disease, but it may improve memory, cognition, and an individual’s ability to perform ADLs.

A patient is POSITIVE for orthostatic hypotension if: The SBP decreases more than 20mmHg when changing position AND/OR the DBP decreases more than 10mmHg

Orthostatic Hypotension

Cathy Parkes

A patient is POSITIVE for orthostatic hypotension if: The SBP decreases more than 20mmHg when changing position AND/OR the DBP decreases more than 10mmHg

Orthostatic Hypotension

Cathy Parkes

A patient is POSITIVE for orthostatic hypotension if: The SBP decreases more than 20mmHg when changing position AND/OR the DBP decreases more than 10mmHg

ACE inhibitors typically end in -pril (ex: captopril, lisinopril). Remember the key side effects: hypotension, A=Angioedema, C=Cough, E=Elevated potassium)

ACE Inhibitors

Cathy Parkes

ACE inhibitors typically end in -pril. Remember the key side effects.

ACE Inhibitors

Cathy Parkes

ACE inhibitors typically end in -pril. Remember the key side effects.

Patients with asthma should monitor their airway with a peak flow meter. This device can detect airway narrowing BEFORE the onset of symptoms.

Lung capacity measurement

Cathy Parkes

Patients with asthma should monitor their airway with a peak flow meter. 

Lung capacity measurement

Cathy Parkes

Patients with asthma should monitor their airway with a peak flow meter. 



Cathy Parkes

Amitriptyline is a Tricyclic Antidepressant. "Amy tripped over a tricycle in the desert". Desert helps you remember anticholinergic side effects (urinary retention, constipation, dry mouth, blurry vision, photophobia, tachycardia)


Cathy Parkes

Amitriptyline is a Tricyclic Antidepressant. "Amy tripped over a tricycle in the desert". Desert helps you remember anticholinergic side effects (urinary retention, constipation, dry mouth, blurry vision, photophobia, tachycardia)

For enteral feeding tubes (Nasogastric tubes, G-tubes): Flush tubing with 15-30ml of water before, after, and in between medications

Enteral feeding tubes

Cathy Parkes

For enteral feeding tubes, flush tubing with 15-30ml of water before, after, and in between medications

Enteral feeding tubes

Cathy Parkes

For enteral feeding tubes, flush tubing with 15-30ml of water before, after, and in between medications

 A person who gets medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) shots for contraception needs to increase their intake of Calcium and Vitamin D because a key side effect of this medication is decreased bone density!

Depo-Provera Side Effect

Cathy Parkes

 A person who gets medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) shots for contraception needs to increase their intake of Calcium and Vitamin D because a key side effect of this medication is decreased bone density!

Depo-Provera Side Effect

Cathy Parkes

 A person who gets medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) shots for contraception needs to increase their intake of Calcium and Vitamin D because a key side effect of this medication is decreased bone density!

Assault vs. Battery: Remember A before B! Assault is threatening a patient, Battery is following through with that threat.

Assault versus Battery

Cathy Parkes

Assault vs. Battery Remember A before B! Assault is threatening a patient, Battery is following through with that threat.

Assault versus Battery

Cathy Parkes

Assault vs. Battery Remember A before B! Assault is threatening a patient, Battery is following through with that threat.

Baclofen is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. If you pull out your BACK, you might need BAClofen.


Cathy Parkes

Baclofen is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. If you pull out your BACK, you might need BAClofen.


Cathy Parkes

Baclofen is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. If you pull out your BACK, you might need BAClofen.

Infants should DOUBLE their birthweight by 6 months, and TRIPLE their birthweight by 1 year.

Infant weight gain

Cathy Parkes

Infants should DOUBLE their birthweight by 6 months, and TRIPLE their birthweight by 1 year.

Infant weight gain

Cathy Parkes

Infants should DOUBLE their birthweight by 6 months, and TRIPLE their birthweight by 1 year.

ANTACIDS: Take 1 hr and 3 hr after meals, and at bedtime. Also take 1 hour before or after other medications (not WITH other medications)

When to take Antacids

Cathy Parkes

ANTACIDS: Take 1 hr and 3 hr after meals, and at bedtime. Also take 1 hour before or after other medications (not WITH other medications)

When to take Antacids

Cathy Parkes

ANTACIDS: Take 1 hr and 3 hr after meals, and at bedtime. Also take 1 hour before or after other medications (not WITH other medications)

After a tonsillectomy, monitor for frequent swallowing or throat clearing - this may indicate bleeding at the incision site!  Family teaching after a tonsillectomy: no red liquids, straws, spicy, hot, or crispy/coarse foods.

Indications of Bleeding After a Tonsillectomy

Cathy Parkes

After a tonsillectomy, monitor for frequent swallowing or clearing of the throat. This can indicate bleeding at the incision site!

Indications of Bleeding After a Tonsillectomy

Cathy Parkes

After a tonsillectomy, monitor for frequent swallowing or clearing of the throat. This can indicate bleeding at the incision site!

ADHD medications (e.g. methylphenidate and amphetamine mixtures) cause decreased appetite and weight loss in children.  Key Nursing Intervention: Monitor child's weight during therapy!

ADHD Medication and Children's Weight

Cathy Parkes

ADHD medications cause decreased appetite and weight loss in children.

ADHD Medication and Children's Weight

Cathy Parkes

ADHD medications cause decreased appetite and weight loss in children.

A patient with borderline personality disorder: Exhibits SPLITTING behavior (i.e. characterizes people/things as ALL good or ALL bad). Engages in impulsive behavior. Is at high risk for self-harm! Provide for patient safety.

Splitting Behavior

Cathy Parkes

A patient with borderline personality disorder exhibits SPLITTING behavior, engages in impulsive behavior, and is at high risk for self-harm.

Splitting Behavior

Cathy Parkes

A patient with borderline personality disorder exhibits SPLITTING behavior, engages in impulsive behavior, and is at high risk for self-harm.

Antisocial personality

Antisocial personality

Cathy Parkes

An antisocial personality disorder does NOT mean an individual doesn't like to be around people. 

Antisocial personality

Cathy Parkes

An antisocial personality disorder does NOT mean an individual doesn't like to be around people. 

Diagnosis of meningitis is done by analyzing the patient's CSF (cerebrospinal fluid).  Bacterial meningitis: CSF is cloudy with ↓ glucose. Viral meningitis: CSF is clear and glucose levels are typically normal.

Meningitis diagnosis

Cathy Parkes

Diagnosis of meningitis is done by analyzing the patient's CSF (cerebrospinal fluid).

Meningitis diagnosis

Cathy Parkes

Diagnosis of meningitis is done by analyzing the patient's CSF (cerebrospinal fluid).

Tooth eruption typically begins around 6 months of age. You can calculate the child's estimated age by the number of teeth they have!  The age of the child in months - 6 equals the approximate total number of teeth (up to age 24 months).

Tooth Eruption

Cathy Parkes

Tooth eruption typically begins around 6 months of age. You can calculate the child's estimated age by the number of teeth they have!

Tooth Eruption

Cathy Parkes

Tooth eruption typically begins around 6 months of age. You can calculate the child's estimated age by the number of teeth they have!

When mixing insulin, remember CLEAR before CLOUDY. Inject air in longer-acting insulin, then inject air in shorter-acting insulin. Without withdrawing needle, draw up shorter-acting insulin, then draw up longer-acting insulin.

Mixing insulin

Cathy Parkes

When mixing insulin, remember CLEAR before CLOUDY. Inject air in the longer-acting insulin (NPH), then inject air in the shorter-acting insulin (regular). Without withdrawing needle, draw up shorter-acting insulin, then draw...

Mixing insulin

Cathy Parkes

When mixing insulin, remember CLEAR before CLOUDY. Inject air in the longer-acting insulin (NPH), then inject air in the shorter-acting insulin (regular). Without withdrawing needle, draw up shorter-acting insulin, then draw...

Nursing care for the child with cystic fibrosis includes encouraging PO fluid intake, eating a high-fat and high-calorie diet, and administering pancreatic enzymes (pancrealipase) with meals and snacks.

Cystic Fibrosis

Cathy Parkes

Nursing care for the child with cystic fibrosis

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Cystic Fibrosis

Cathy Parkes

Nursing care for the child with cystic fibrosis

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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - LevelUpRN

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Cathy Parkes

Risk factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Cathy Parkes

Risk factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) - LevelUpRN

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)

Cathy Parkes

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is a congenital heart defect where the fetal ductus arteriosus fails to close.

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)

Cathy Parkes

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is a congenital heart defect where the fetal ductus arteriosus fails to close.

A child indicates readiness for toilet training when they: Recognize and communicate the need to eliminate; Wake up dry from nap/bedtime; Stay dry for 2 hours during the day

Toilet Training

Cathy Parkes

Signs that a child is ready for toilet training.

Toilet Training

Cathy Parkes

Signs that a child is ready for toilet training.

The suffix "lithiasis" means "presence of stones," as in "cholelithiasis" (presence of stones in the gallbladder). The Paleolithic period is considered the Stone Age!

Suffix: -lithiasis

Cathy Parkes

The suffix "lithiasis" means "presence of stones," as in "cholelithiasis" (presence of stones in the gallbladder).

Suffix: -lithiasis

Cathy Parkes

The suffix "lithiasis" means "presence of stones," as in "cholelithiasis" (presence of stones in the gallbladder).

HF stands for Heart Failure. To help you remember the symptoms of the different kinds of HF, remember  Left is Lungs, Right is Rest of the Body!

Heart Failure

Cathy Parkes

HF stands for Heart Failure.

Heart Failure

Cathy Parkes

HF stands for Heart Failure.

Tire out easily? Try alternating periods of studying with periods of rest. For example: Study for 25 minutes, break for 5.

Periodic Rest

Cathy Parkes

Tire out easily? Try alternating periods of studying with periods of rest.

Periodic Rest

Cathy Parkes

Tire out easily? Try alternating periods of studying with periods of rest.

A child's posterior fontanelle closes between 6-8 weeks. The anterior fontanelle closes between 12-18 months. Hint: A baby starts on its back first then her front later

Fontanelle Closures

Cathy Parkes

A child's posterior fontanelle closes first, then the anterior fontanelle closes.

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Fontanelle Closures

Cathy Parkes

A child's posterior fontanelle closes first, then the anterior fontanelle closes.

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When assessing a child's pain, be sure to use an age-appropriate pain scale, such as CRIES, FLACC for infants, FACES beginning at age 3 or numeric scales after age 8.

Pediatric Pain Scales

Cathy Parkes

When assessing a child's pain, be sure to use an age-appropriate pain scale.

Pediatric Pain Scales

Cathy Parkes

When assessing a child's pain, be sure to use an age-appropriate pain scale.

The prefix "Pan-" means "all," as in "pancytopenia" where all types of blood cells are decreased. For example: In a panoramic photo, you capture all of the view.

Prefix: Pan-

Cathy Parkes

The prefix "Pan-" means "all," as in "pancytopenia" where all types of blood cells are decreased.

Prefix: Pan-

Cathy Parkes

The prefix "Pan-" means "all," as in "pancytopenia" where all types of blood cells are decreased.

Signs of physical abuse: multiple injuries in various stages of healing, spiral fractures, and injury that doesn't match the story. Always report ANY suspicion of abuse!

Signs of Physical Abuse

Cathy Parkes

Signs of physical abuse. Always report ANY suspicion of abuse!

Signs of Physical Abuse

Cathy Parkes

Signs of physical abuse. Always report ANY suspicion of abuse!

The prefix "Ab-" means "to take away from," such as abducting the arm (moving it away from midline). For example: The child was Abducted and taken away

Prefix: Ab-

Cathy Parkes

The prefix "Ab-" means "to take away from," such as abducting the arm (moving it away from midline).

Prefix: Ab-

Cathy Parkes

The prefix "Ab-" means "to take away from," such as abducting the arm (moving it away from midline).

The root "lingu/o" means "tongue," as in the "sublingual" (under the tongue). I use my tongue to get linguini noodles into my mouth.

Prefix: Lingu-

Cathy Parkes

The root "lingu/o" means "tongue," as in the "sublingual" (under the tongue).

Prefix: Lingu-

Cathy Parkes

The root "lingu/o" means "tongue," as in the "sublingual" (under the tongue).

Triage for a Mass Casualty event: Class I (red tag): Immediate threat to life. Class II (yellow tag): Major injury. Class III (green tag): Minor injury. Class IV (black tag): Patient is expected, allowed to die.

Triage for a Mass Casualty event

Cathy Parkes

Triage for a Mass Casualty event: Class I (red tag), Class II (yellow tag), Class III (green tag), Class IV (black tag)

Triage for a Mass Casualty event

Cathy Parkes

Triage for a Mass Casualty event: Class I (red tag), Class II (yellow tag), Class III (green tag), Class IV (black tag)

To confirm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM), you can use one of these tests: Nitrazine paper test: Tests the pH of vaginal secretions.
Ferning test: Amniotic fluid mixed together with estrogen creates a “fern-like” pattern under a microscope.

Premature Rupture of Membranes

Cathy Parkes

To confirm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM), you can use one of these tests: Nitrazine paper test, Ferning test

Premature Rupture of Membranes

Cathy Parkes

To confirm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM), you can use one of these tests: Nitrazine paper test, Ferning test

Things you can delegate to your PN (LVN, LPN): Medication administration, foley catheter insertion, enteral feeding, NG tube insertion, suctioning, tracheostomy care, reinforcement of patient teaching.

Delegating to your PN

Cathy Parkes

Things can delegate to PN: Medication administration, foley catheter, enteral feeding, NG tube insertion, suctioning, tracheostomy care...

1 comment

Delegating to your PN

Cathy Parkes

Things can delegate to PN: Medication administration, foley catheter, enteral feeding, NG tube insertion, suctioning, tracheostomy care...

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Suppression is VOLUNTARY denial of  thoughts or feelings. Repression is UNCONCIOUS (i.e. involuntary) denial of thoughts or feelings. Both are defense mechanisms used to cope with unpleasant thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

Suppression and Repression

Cathy Parkes

Suppression is VOLUNTARY denial of thoughts or feelings. Repression is UNCONCIOUS (i.e. involuntary) denial of thoughts or feelings.

Suppression and Repression

Cathy Parkes

Suppression is VOLUNTARY denial of thoughts or feelings. Repression is UNCONCIOUS (i.e. involuntary) denial of thoughts or feelings.

Presumptive Signs of pregnancy are things that can be explained by OTHER reasons besides pregnancy. Examples: Nausea/vomiting, urinary frequency, amenorrhea, quickening (fetal movements felt by the mother), breast changes, fatigue.

Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy

Cathy Parkes

Presumptive Signs of pregnancy are things that can be explained by OTHER reasons besides pregnancy.

Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy

Cathy Parkes

Presumptive Signs of pregnancy are things that can be explained by OTHER reasons besides pregnancy.

Non-opiod analgesics are use to treat MILD to MODERATE pain. NSAIDs carry risk of GI bleeding, renal toxicity, and GI upset. Opioid analgesics are used to treat MODERATE to SEVERE pain. Monitor for respiratory depression. Naloxone is the antidote!

Opioid and Non-opioid Analgesics

Cathy Parkes

Non-opiod analgesics are use to treat MILD to MODERATE pain. Opioid analgesics are used to treat MODERATE to SEVERE pain.

Opioid and Non-opioid Analgesics

Cathy Parkes

Non-opiod analgesics are use to treat MILD to MODERATE pain. Opioid analgesics are used to treat MODERATE to SEVERE pain.

Key points about Therapeutic Communication: Avoid asking "Why...?" Ask OPEN ended questions. Ex: "Tell me more...." Do not offer your opinion, give false reassurance, or change the subject.

Therapeutic Communication Key Points

Cathy Parkes

Key points about Therapeutic Communication: Avoid asking "Why...?" Ask OPEN ended questions. Don't offer opinion, give false reassurance, or change subject.

Therapeutic Communication Key Points

Cathy Parkes

Key points about Therapeutic Communication: Avoid asking "Why...?" Ask OPEN ended questions. Don't offer opinion, give false reassurance, or change subject.

Key nursing interventions for patients with Eating Disorders: Supervise patients before and after meals; Set limits on exercise; Restrict caffeine; Provide rewards for calories consumed.

Eating Disorders Key Interventions

Cathy Parkes

Key nursing interventions for patients with Eating Disorders: Supervise before/after meals; Set limits on exercise; Restrict caffeine; Provide rewards for calories consumed.

Eating Disorders Key Interventions

Cathy Parkes

Key nursing interventions for patients with Eating Disorders: Supervise before/after meals; Set limits on exercise; Restrict caffeine; Provide rewards for calories consumed.

Injectible medroxyprogesterone (i.e. Depo-Provera) can cause bone loss. Advise patient to take Calcium and Vitamin D supplements to reduce the risk of bone loss.

Injectible Medroxyprogesterone

Cathy Parkes

Injectible medroxyprogesterone can cause bone loss. Advise patient to take Calcium and Vitamin D supplements to reduce the risk of bone loss.

Injectible Medroxyprogesterone

Cathy Parkes

Injectible medroxyprogesterone can cause bone loss. Advise patient to take Calcium and Vitamin D supplements to reduce the risk of bone loss.

Important patient teaching about diaphragms: Should remain in place for 6 hrs after intercourse; Spermicide needs to be reapplied after each act of intercourse. Women need to be refitted: every 2 years, after a 20% weight change, or after a pregnancy.

Diaphragm Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Important patient teaching about diaphragms: Diaphragms should remain in place for 6 hrs after intercourse; Reapply spermicide after intercourse.

Diaphragm Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Important patient teaching about diaphragms: Diaphragms should remain in place for 6 hrs after intercourse; Reapply spermicide after intercourse.

Patient with mild anxiety, can assist patient with problem-solving/relaxation techniques. Patient with severe anxiety, problem-solving NOT realistic. Provide minimal stimulation, remain with the patient, use simple directions, administer PRN medications.

Mild and Severe Anxiety

Cathy Parkes

For mild anxiety, you can assist the patient with problem-solving and relaxation techniques. For severe anxiety, problem-solving is NOT realistic.

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Mild and Severe Anxiety

Cathy Parkes

For mild anxiety, you can assist the patient with problem-solving and relaxation techniques. For severe anxiety, problem-solving is NOT realistic.

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For a patient with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Set time limits for compulsive behavior. The nurse should also help the patient identify the source of anxiety (which prompts the compulsive behavior) and provide medications (ex: SSRIs) as ordered.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Cathy Parkes

For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Set time limits. Help the patient identify source of anxiety and provide medications as ordered.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Cathy Parkes

For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Set time limits. Help the patient identify source of anxiety and provide medications as ordered.